Preparing for birth with Birth Rocks
You wouldn’t turn up at a marathon without training, so why would you turn up at birth without training? Nobody has to ‘teach’ you how to give birth, baby would come out if nobody was there. But we do need to prepare ourselves mentally and physically, by getting to know and understand ourselves, so that we can create the optimal circumstances for our individual birth.
Meeting with your Birth Mentor before the course starts to get to know each other and to discuss your individual experiences and needs;
Either one, two or four sessions to allow you to enjoy the Birth ROCKS journey;
Your Birth ROCKS handbook, extra downloads, parent’s discounts on further BRA sessions and much more;
You will receive self-hypnosis and breathing techniques downloads to use to continue your practice at home;
Identifying individual coping and comfort techniques that will work for you and your birth partner during birth;
We will help you and your birth partner uncover and release your fears of parenting and birth;
We help you discover your coping style: How will I be in birth?
Making use of techniques such as Birth Hypnosis (hypnobirthing), acupressure, massage, visualization and using your own personal ‘birth tool bag’ that we will help you put together;
What your birth partner can do on the big day (we’ve even put this in a little book for you);
Comfort and relaxation techniques tailored to your individual coping style including: self-hypnosis for birth; breathing and positions for birth; massage and aromatherapy; using birth tools and much more;
Looking at your birth options and creating a custom birth plan individual to you;
What happens on the Big Day: getting and staying prepared;
Looking at what REALLY happens during birth, the amazing cocktail of hormones your body releases to help you and how you can maximize this during labour;
We will completely change your attitude to birthing and by the end of this course you will be positively looking forward to giving birth!
You will also have a follow up meeting with your Mentor after the birth of your baby to continue your journey towards peaceful parenting.